Data source used in AS-ALPS

Transcript data for input
NCBI Genome NCBI RefSeq mRNA FlcDNA * total
version No. of data version No. of data version
human build36.3 Feb. 2009 0 H-InvDB 6.0 0
mouse build37.1 Jan. 2008 0 FANTOM3 0

*: Dataset of Human FlcDNA includes sequences extracted from International Nucleotide Sequence Database.

version total AS isoforms
Swiss-Prot Release 57.10 0

Database for annotaion
June 17, 2009 Version 23.0 March 27, 2009

selected dataset

  No. %
AS variant clusters 13134  
AS variant clusters annotated with PDB data 5671 43.2 %
Unique AS regions 37789  
Unique AS regions annotated with PDB data 11319 30.0 %
  N-ter. middle C-ter. total
deletion 469712.4 % 898523.8 % 17784.7 % 1546040.9 %
insertion 11122.9 % 28387.5 % 5231.4 % 447311.8 %
substitution 37119.8 % 10742.8 % 1307134.6 % 1785647.3 %
total 952025.2 % 1289734.1 % 1537240.7 % 37789100.0 %
  No. %
AS variant clusters 8900  
AS variant clusters annotated with PDB data 2824 31.7 %
Unique AS regions 16873  
Unique AS regions annotated with PDB data 3875 23.0 %
  N-ter. middle C-ter. total
deletion 353020.9 % 291617.3 % 12697.5 % 771545.7 %
insertion 10736.4 % 12917.7 % 11016.5 % 346520.5 %
substitution 11326.7 % 3081.8 % 425325.2 % 569333.7 %
total 573534.0 % 451526.8 % 662339.3 % 16873100.0 %
  No. %
AS variant clusters 9725  
AS variant clusters annotated with PDB data 3117 32.1 %
Unique AS regions 17072  
Unique AS regions annotated with PDB data 4443 26.0 %
  N-ter. middle C-ter. total
deletion 256915.0 % 530131.1 % 4722.8 % 834248.9 %
insertion 2111.2 % 10166.0 % 420.2 % 12697.4 %
substitution 170710.0 % 12327.2 % 452226.5 % 746143.7 %
total 448726.3 % 754944.2 % 503629.5 % 17072100.0 %

all dataset

  No. %
AS variant clusters 15316  
AS variant clusters annotated with PDB data 7779 50.8 %
Unique AS regions 74474  
Unique AS regions annotated with PDB data 24708 33.2 %
  N-ter. middle C-ter. total
deletion 2421932.5 % 898512.1 % 862411.6 % 4182856.2 %
insertion 15842.1 % 28383.8 % 5470.7 % 49696.7 %
substitution 1300717.5 % 10741.4 % 1359618.3 % 2767737.2 %
total 3881052.1 % 1289717.3 % 2276730.6 % 74474100.0 %
  No. %
AS variant clusters 10427  
AS variant clusters annotated with PDB data 4068 39.0 %
Unique AS regions 23897  
Unique AS regions annotated with PDB data 6487 27.1 %
  N-ter. middle C-ter. total
deletion 673428.2 % 291612.2 % 420017.6 % 1385058.0 %
insertion 12835.4 % 12915.4 % 11284.7 % 370215.5 %
substitution 15666.6 % 3081.3 % 447118.7 % 634526.6 %
total 958340.1 % 451518.9 % 979941.0 % 23897100.0 %
  No. %
AS variant clusters 12648  
AS variant clusters annotated with PDB data 5535 43.8 %
Unique AS regions 21517  
Unique AS regions annotated with PDB data 7864 36.5 %
  N-ter. middle C-ter. total
deletion 256911.9 % 825638.4 % 4722.2 % 1129752.5 %
insertion 2111.0 % 18348.5 % 420.2 % 20879.7 %
substitution 17077.9 % 19048.8 % 452221.0 % 813337.8 %
total 448720.9 % 1199455.7 % 503623.4 % 21517100.0 %