Statistics in AS-ALPS

Transcript data for input
NCBI Genome NCBI RefSeq mRNA FlcDNA total
version No. of data version No. of data version
human build 36.1 24,655 Jul. 2007 173,690 * H-InvDB4 198,345
mouse build 37.1 20,917 Jan. 2008 56,722 FANTOM3 77,639

*: Human mRNAs extracted from International Nucleotide Sequence Database were included.

Database for annotaion
PDB Swiss-Prot Superfamily
July 31, 2007 Release 55.4 Version 1.69

Detected AS regions in human

All data
  No. %
AS variant clusters 14,555  
AS variant clusters annotated with PDB data 6,898 47.4
Unique AS regions 62,257  
Unique AS regions annotated with PDB data 19,862 31.9
  N-ter. middle C-ter. total
deletion 22,16935.6% 6,80110.9% 6,42010.3% 35,39056.8%
insertion 2,0203.2% 2,2063.5% 4240.7% 4,6507.5%
substitution 10,15716.3% 9351.5% 11,12517.9% 22,21735.7%
total 34,34655.2% 9,94216.0% 17,96928.9% 62,257100.0%

Selected data
  No. %
AS variant clusters 11,926  
AS variant clusters annotated with PDB data 5,067 42.5
Unique AS regions 31,928  
Unique AS regions annotated with PDB data 10,056 31.5
  N-ter. middle C-ter. total
deletion 6,45320.2% 6,17219.3% 1,3444.2% 13,96943.8%
insertion 1,0713.4% 1,8185.7% 2510.8% 3,1409.8%
substitution 3,49510.9% 8042.5% 10,52032.9% 14,81946.4%
total 11,01934.5% 8,79427.5% 12,11537.9% 31,928100.0%

Detected AS regions in mouse

All data
  No. %
AS variant clusters 9,783  
AS variant clusters annotated with PDB data 3,761 38.4
Unique AS regions 22,086  
Unique AS regions annotated with PDB data 6,023 27.3
  N-ter. middle C-ter. total
deletion 6,29328.5% 2,83812.8% 3,78317.1% 12,91458.5%
insertion 8934.0% 1,2025.4% 5912.7% 2,68612.2%
substitution 1,6547.5% 3281.5% 4,50420.4% 6,48629.4%
total 8,84040.0% 4,36819.8% 8,87840.2% 22,086100.0%

Selected data
  No. %
AS variant clusters 7,666  
AS variant clusters annotated with PDB data 2,675 34.9
Unique AS regions 13,893  
Unique AS regions annotated with PDB data 3,676 26.5
  N-ter. middle C-ter. total
deletion 3,14922.7% 2,44017.6% 8306.0% 6,41946.2%
insertion 5674.1% 9456.8% 4543.3% 1,96614.2%
substitution 1,0997.9% 2722.0% 4,13729.8% 5,50839.6%
total 4,81534.7% 3,65726.3% 5,42139.0% 13,893100.0%

All data: including probably artifactual AS regions

Selected data: in which probably artifactual AS regions:
1) AS regions detected from incomplete CDS terminus
2) AS regions whose length was less than three
were excluded.

Detected AS regions in Swiss-Prot data

  No. %
AS variant clusters 14,680  
AS variant clusters annotated with PDB data 4,786 32.6
Unique AS regions 26,451  
Unique AS regions annotated with PDB data 6,880 26.0
  N-ter. middle C-ter. total
deletion 4,08215.4% 7,51728.4% 8373.2% 12,43647.0%
insertion 2310.9% 1,6226.1% 670.3% 1,9207.3%
substitution 2,5819.8% 1,7046.4% 7,81029.5% 12,09545.7%
total 6,89426.1% 10,84341.0% 8,71432.9% 26,451100.0%