Statistics in AS-ALPS
Transcript data for input
NCBI Genome |
NCBI RefSeq mRNA |
FlcDNA |
total |
version |
No. of data |
version |
No. of data |
version |
human |
build 36.1 |
24,655 |
Jul. 2007 |
173,690 * |
H-InvDB4 |
198,345 |
mouse |
build 37.1 |
20,917 |
Jan. 2008 |
56,722 |
77,639 |
*: Human mRNAs extracted from International Nucleotide Sequence Database were included.
Detected AS regions in human
All data
No. |
% |
AS variant clusters |
14,555 |
AS variant clusters annotated with PDB data |
6,898 |
47.4 |
Unique AS regions |
62,257 |
Unique AS regions annotated with PDB data |
19,862 |
31.9 |
N-ter. |
middle |
C-ter. |
total |
deletion |
22,169 | 35.6% |
6,801 | 10.9% |
6,420 | 10.3% |
35,390 | 56.8% |
insertion |
2,020 | 3.2% |
2,206 | 3.5% |
424 | 0.7% |
4,650 | 7.5% |
substitution |
10,157 | 16.3% |
935 | 1.5% |
11,125 | 17.9% |
22,217 | 35.7% |
total |
34,346 | 55.2% |
9,942 | 16.0% |
17,969 | 28.9% |
62,257 | 100.0% |
Selected data
No. |
% |
AS variant clusters |
11,926 |
AS variant clusters annotated with PDB data |
5,067 |
42.5 |
Unique AS regions |
31,928 |
Unique AS regions annotated with PDB data |
10,056 |
31.5 |
N-ter. |
middle |
C-ter. |
total |
deletion |
6,453 | 20.2% |
6,172 | 19.3% |
1,344 | 4.2% |
13,969 | 43.8% |
insertion |
1,071 | 3.4% |
1,818 | 5.7% |
251 | 0.8% |
3,140 | 9.8% |
substitution |
3,495 | 10.9% |
804 | 2.5% |
10,520 | 32.9% |
14,819 | 46.4% |
total |
11,019 | 34.5% |
8,794 | 27.5% |
12,115 | 37.9% |
31,928 | 100.0% |
Detected AS regions in mouse
All data
No. |
% |
AS variant clusters |
9,783 |
AS variant clusters annotated with PDB data |
3,761 |
38.4 |
Unique AS regions |
22,086 |
Unique AS regions annotated with PDB data |
6,023 |
27.3 |
N-ter. |
middle |
C-ter. |
total |
deletion |
6,293 | 28.5% |
2,838 | 12.8% |
3,783 | 17.1% |
12,914 | 58.5% |
insertion |
893 | 4.0% |
1,202 | 5.4% |
591 | 2.7% |
2,686 | 12.2% |
substitution |
1,654 | 7.5% |
328 | 1.5% |
4,504 | 20.4% |
6,486 | 29.4% |
total |
8,840 | 40.0% |
4,368 | 19.8% |
8,878 | 40.2% |
22,086 | 100.0% |
Selected data
No. |
% |
AS variant clusters |
7,666 |
AS variant clusters annotated with PDB data |
2,675 |
34.9 |
Unique AS regions |
13,893 |
Unique AS regions annotated with PDB data |
3,676 |
26.5 |
N-ter. |
middle |
C-ter. |
total |
deletion |
3,149 | 22.7% |
2,440 | 17.6% |
830 | 6.0% |
6,419 | 46.2% |
insertion |
567 | 4.1% |
945 | 6.8% |
454 | 3.3% |
1,966 | 14.2% |
substitution |
1,099 | 7.9% |
272 | 2.0% |
4,137 | 29.8% |
5,508 | 39.6% |
total |
4,815 | 34.7% |
3,657 | 26.3% |
5,421 | 39.0% |
13,893 | 100.0% |
All data: including probably artifactual AS regions
Selected data: in which probably artifactual AS regions:
1) AS regions detected from incomplete CDS terminus
2) AS regions whose length was less than three
were excluded.
Detected AS regions in Swiss-Prot data
No. |
% |
AS variant clusters |
14,680 |
AS variant clusters annotated with PDB data |
4,786 |
32.6 |
Unique AS regions |
26,451 |
Unique AS regions annotated with PDB data |
6,880 |
26.0 |
N-ter. |
middle |
C-ter. |
total |
deletion |
4,082 | 15.4% |
7,517 | 28.4% |
837 | 3.2% |
12,436 | 47.0% |
insertion |
231 | 0.9% |
1,622 | 6.1% |
67 | 0.3% |
1,920 | 7.3% |
substitution |
2,581 | 9.8% |
1,704 | 6.4% |
7,810 | 29.5% |
12,095 | 45.7% |
total |
6,894 | 26.1% |
10,843 | 41.0% |
8,714 | 32.9% |
26,451 | 100.0% |