Data source used in AS-ALPS

Transcript data for input
Genome NCBI RefSeq mRNA other transcript data total
version No. of data version No. of data data source
H.sapiens Ensembl rel. 62 rel. 47 0 Ensembl rel. 62 0
M.musculus Ensembl rel. 62 rel. 47 0 Ensembl rel. 62 0
D.melanogaster Ensembl rel. 62 rel. 45 0 Ensembl rel. 62 0
C.elegans Ensembl rel. 62 rel. 45 0 Ensembl rel. 62 0
A.thaliana TAIR 10 rel. 47 0 TAIR 10 0
O.sativa TIGR 6.1 rel. 47 0 TIGR 6.1 0
version total AS isoforms
Swiss-Prot Release 2011_08 0

Database for annotaion
Aug. 21, 2011 Version 32.0 Aug. 26, 2011

  No. %
AS variant clusters 12924  
AS variant clusters annotated with PDB data 6111 47.3 %
Unique AS regions 39837  
Unique AS regions annotated with PDB data 13612 34.2 %
  N-ter. middle C-ter. total
deletion 692117.4 % 1018925.6 % 4751.2 % 1758544.1 %
insertion 6481.6 % 26576.7 % 830.2 % 33888.5 %
substitution 38809.7 % 15583.9 % 1342633.7 % 1886447.4 %
total 1144928.7 % 1440436.2 % 1398435.1 % 39837100.0 %
  No. %
AS variant clusters 9488  
AS variant clusters annotated with PDB data 3757 39.6 %
Unique AS regions 20140  
Unique AS regions annotated with PDB data 5959 29.6 %
  N-ter. middle C-ter. total
deletion 292314.5 % 506425.1 % 2181.1 % 820540.7 %
insertion 4312.1 % 18018.9 % 370.2 % 226911.3 %
substitution 17278.6 % 10905.4 % 684934.0 % 966648.0 %
total 508125.2 % 795539.5 % 710435.3 % 20140100.0 %
  No. %
AS variant clusters 2569  
AS variant clusters annotated with PDB data 656 25.5 %
Unique AS regions 4194  
Unique AS regions annotated with PDB data 855 20.4 %
  N-ter. middle C-ter. total
deletion 80219.1 % 78118.6 % 200.5 % 160338.2 %
insertion 1714.1 % 45710.9 % 50.1 % 63315.1 %
substitution 73717.6 % 1774.2 % 104424.9 % 195846.7 %
total 171040.8 % 141533.7 % 106925.5 % 4194100.0 %
  No. %
AS variant clusters 4026  
AS variant clusters annotated with PDB data 786 19.5 %
Unique AS regions 6252  
Unique AS regions annotated with PDB data 985 15.8 %
  N-ter. middle C-ter. total
deletion 135721.7 % 106417.0 % 370.6 % 245839.3 %
insertion 4316.9 % 72811.6 % 350.6 % 119419.1 %
substitution 85413.7 % 3255.2 % 142122.7 % 260041.6 %
total 264242.3 % 211733.9 % 149323.9 % 6252100.0 %
  No. %
AS variant clusters 4745  
AS variant clusters annotated with PDB data 1506 31.7 %
Unique AS regions 6482  
Unique AS regions annotated with PDB data 1850 28.5 %
  N-ter. middle C-ter. total
deletion 69210.7 % 158924.5 % 510.8 % 233236.0 %
insertion 2533.9 % 118318.3 % 210.3 % 145722.5 %
substitution 5468.4 % 3755.8 % 177227.3 % 269341.5 %
total 149123.0 % 314748.5 % 184428.4 % 6482100.0 %
  No. %
AS variant clusters 8406  
AS variant clusters annotated with PDB data 2295 27.3 %
Unique AS regions 12488  
Unique AS regions annotated with PDB data 3024 24.2 %
  N-ter. middle C-ter. total
deletion 11459.2 % 131910.6 % 930.7 % 255720.5 %
insertion 12109.7 % 147211.8 % 680.5 % 275022.0 %
substitution 165813.3 % 4273.4 % 509640.8 % 718157.5 %
total 401332.1 % 321825.8 % 525742.1 % 12488100.0 %
  No. %
AS variant clusters 13811  
AS variant clusters annotated with PDB data 5983 43.3 %
Unique AS regions 23466  
Unique AS regions annotated with PDB data 8398 35.8 %
  N-ter. middle C-ter. total
deletion 294412.5 % 868637.0 % 4992.1 % 1212951.7 %
insertion 2721.2 % 20028.5 % 510.2 % 23259.9 %
substitution 19538.3 % 19388.3 % 512121.8 % 901238.4 %
total 516922.0 % 1262653.8 % 567124.2 % 23466100.0 %