Statistics in AS-ALPS

Transcript data for input
NCBI GenomeNCBI RefSeq mRNAFlcDNAtotal
versionNo. of dataversionNo. of dataversion
humanbuild 36.124,655Jul. 2007173,690 *H-InvDB4198,345
mousebuild 37.120,917Jan. 200856,722FANTOM377,639
*:Human mRNAs extracted from International Nucleotide Sequence Database were included.

3D structure data for annotaion
PDB Superfamily
July 31, 2007 Version 1.69

Detected AS regions in human

All data

(including probably artifactual AS regions)
AS variant clusters14,555
AS variant clusters annotated with PDB data6,89847.4
Unique AS regions62,257
Unique AS regions annotated with PDB data19,86231.9
deletion 22,16935.6% 6,80110.9% 6,42010.3% 35,39056.8%
insertion 2,0203.2% 2,2063.5% 4240.7% 4,6507.5%
substitution 10,15716.3% 9351.5% 11,12517.9% 22,21735.7%
total 34,34655.2% 9,94216.0% 17,96928.9% 62,257100.0%

Selected data

in which probably artifactual AS regions:
        1) AS regions detected from incomplete CDS terminus
        2) AS regions whose length was less than three
were excluded.

AS variant clusters11,926
AS variant clusters annotated with PDB data5,06742.5
Unique AS regions31,928
Unique AS regions annotated with PDB data10,05631.5
deletion 6,45320.2% 6,17219.3% 1,3444.2% 13,96943.8%
insertion 1,0713.4% 1,8185.7% 2510.8% 3,1409.8%
substitution 3,49510.9% 8042.5% 10,52032.9% 14,81946.4%
total 11,01934.5% 8,79427.5% 12,11537.9% 31,928100.0%

Detected AS regions in mouse

All data

(including probably artifactual AS regions)
AS variant clusters9,783
AS variant clusters annotated with PDB data3,76138.4
Unique AS regions22,086
Unique AS regions annotated with PDB data6,02327.3
deletion 6,29328.5% 2,83812.8% 3,78317.1% 12,91458.5%
insertion 8934.0% 1,2025.4% 5912.7% 2,68612.2%
substitution 1,6547.5% 3281.5% 4,50420.4% 6,48629.4%
total 8,84040.0% 4,36819.8% 8,87840.2% 22,086100.0%

Selected data

in which probably artifactual AS regions:
        1) AS regions detected from incomplete CDS terminus
        2) AS regions whose length was less than three
were excluded.

AS variant clusters7,666
AS variant clusters annotated with PDB data2,67534.9
Unique AS regions13,893
Unique AS regions annotated with PDB data3,67626.5
deletion 3,14922.7% 2,44017.6% 8306.0% 6,41946.2%
insertion 5674.1% 9456.8% 4543.3% 1,96614.2%
substitution 1,0997.9% 2722.0% 4,13729.8% 5,50839.6%
total 4,81534.7% 3,65726.3% 5,42139.0% 13,893100.0%