Data source used in AS-ALPS

Input data
Genome NCBI RefSeq mRNA other transcript data total
version No. of data version No. of data data source
H.sapiens GRCh38 NCBI genome 106 0 Ensembl rel. 78 0
M.musculus GRCm38 NCBI genome 104 0 Ensembl rel. 78 0
D.melanogaster BDGP5 NCBI RefSeq rel.71 0 Ensembl rel. 78 0
C.elegans WBcel235 NCBI RefSeq rel.71 0 Ensembl rel. 78 0
A.thaliana TAIR 10 NCBI RefSeq rel.71 0 Ensembl Genome rel.28 0
O.sativa IRGSP-1.0 NCBI RefSeq rel.71 0 Ensembl Genome rel.28 0
version total AS isoforms
Swiss-Prot Release 2015/02 0

Database for annotaion
Feb. 2, 2015 Version 51.0 Jul. 22, 2015 GSE30611
H.sapiens M.musculus D.melanogaster C.elegans
Mar., 2015 Dec., 2014 Aug., 2012 Sep., 2013

  No. %
AS variant clusters 13138  
AS variant clusters annotated with PDB data 7002 53.3 %
Unique AS regions 38719  
Unique AS regions annotated with PDB data 15825 40.9 %
  N-ter. middle C-ter. total
deletion 584815.1 % 937824.2 % 6601.7 % 1588641.0 %
insertion 5541.4 % 25536.6 % 1310.3 % 32388.4 %
substitution 33908.8 % 10532.7 % 1515239.1 % 1959550.6 %
total 979225.3 % 1298433.5 % 1594341.2 % 38719100.0 %

  No. %
AS variant clusters 8633  
AS variant clusters annotated with PDB data 3969 46.0 %
Unique AS regions 17596  
Unique AS regions annotated with PDB data 6424 36.5 %
  N-ter. middle C-ter. total
deletion 207411.8 % 448825.5 % 3662.1 % 692839.4 %
insertion 4952.8 % 16029.1 % 530.3 % 215012.2 %
substitution 14378.2 % 5443.1 % 653737.2 % 851848.4 %
total 400622.8 % 663437.7 % 695639.5 % 17596100.0 %

  No. %
AS variant clusters 3628  
AS variant clusters annotated with PDB data 1071 29.5 %
Unique AS regions 7093  
Unique AS regions annotated with PDB data 1551 21.9 %
  N-ter. middle C-ter. total
deletion 98513.9 % 198428.0 % 1351.9 % 310443.8 %
insertion 2603.7 % 87912.4 % 1812.6 % 132018.6 %
substitution 91812.9 % 2583.6 % 149321.0 % 266937.6 %
total 216330.5 % 312144.0 % 180925.5 % 7093100.0 %

  No. %
AS variant clusters 4002  
AS variant clusters annotated with PDB data 1112 27.8 %
Unique AS regions 6584  
Unique AS regions annotated with PDB data 1484 22.5 %
  N-ter. middle C-ter. total
deletion 231435.1 % 144021.9 % 360.5 % 379057.6 %
insertion 1131.7 % 3956.0 % 70.1 % 5157.8 %
substitution 89613.6 % 1692.6 % 121418.4 % 227934.6 %
total 332350.5 % 200430.4 % 125719.1 % 6584100.0 %

  No. %
AS variant clusters 4278  
AS variant clusters annotated with PDB data 1662 38.8 %
Unique AS regions 5706  
Unique AS regions annotated with PDB data 2053 36.0 %
  N-ter. middle C-ter. total
deletion 68412.0 % 157727.6 % 480.8 % 230940.5 %
insertion 1442.5 % 81414.3 % 200.4 % 97817.1 %
substitution 4928.6 % 2895.1 % 163828.7 % 241942.4 %
total 132023.1 % 268047.0 % 170629.9 % 5706100.0 %

  No. %
AS variant clusters 5075  
AS variant clusters annotated with PDB data 1773 34.9 %
Unique AS regions 6951  
Unique AS regions annotated with PDB data 2128 30.6 %
  N-ter. middle C-ter. total
deletion 4206.0 % 69310.0 % 530.8 % 116616.8 %
insertion 4516.5 % 5918.5 % 450.6 % 108715.6 %
substitution 71610.3 % 122217.6 % 276039.7 % 469867.6 %
total 158722.8 % 250636.1 % 285841.1 % 6951100.0 %

  No. %
AS variant clusters 20504  
AS variant clusters annotated with PDB data 9156 44.7 %
Unique AS regions 38160  
Unique AS regions annotated with PDB data 13762 36.1 %
  N-ter. middle C-ter. total
deletion 580015.2 % 1076928.2 % 10012.6 % 1757046.0 %
insertion 6801.8 % 26216.9 % 1080.3 % 34098.9 %
substitution 399310.5 % 24176.3 % 1077128.2 % 1718145.0 %
total 1047327.4 % 1580741.4 % 1188031.1 % 38160100.0 %