Data source used in AS-ALPS

Input data
Genome NCBI RefSeq mRNA other transcript data total
version No. of data version No. of data data source
H.sapiens GRCh38 43099 NCBI genome 108 95656 Ensembl rel. 90 138755
M.musculus GRCm38 29914 NCBI genome 106 62935 Ensembl rel. 90 92849
D.melanogaster BDGP6 30469 NCBI RefSeq rel.84 30356 Ensembl rel. 90 60825
C.elegans WBcel235 28221 NCBI RefSeq rel.84 31562 Ensembl rel. 90 59783
A.thaliana TAIR 10 48148 NCBI RefSeq rel.84 48321 Ensembl Genome rel.37 96469
O.sativa IRGSP-1.0 40907 NCBI RefSeq rel.84 42132 Ensembl Genome rel.37 83039
version total AS isoforms
Swiss-Prot Release 2017/10 60065

Database for annotaion
Oct. 2, 2017 Version 59.0 Nov. 17, 2017 GSE30611
H.sapiens M.musculus D.melanogaster C.elegans
Dec., 2016 Jan., 2016 Aug., 2012 Sep., 2013

  No. %
AS variant clusters 13396  
AS variant clusters annotated with PDB data 7473 55.8 %
Unique AS regions 40709  
Unique AS regions annotated with PDB data 17792 43.7 %
  N-ter. middle C-ter. total
deletion 643715.8 % 995824.5 % 6141.5 % 1700941.8 %
insertion 5611.4 % 26896.6 % 1190.3 % 33698.3 %
substitution 37259.2 % 9752.4 % 1563138.4 % 2033149.9 %
total 1072326.3 % 1362233.5 % 1636440.2 % 40709100.0 %

  No. %
AS variant clusters 10117  
AS variant clusters annotated with PDB data 5025 49.7 %
Unique AS regions 21468  
Unique AS regions annotated with PDB data 8545 39.8 %
  N-ter. middle C-ter. total
deletion 266812.4 % 535424.9 % 4031.9 % 842539.2 %
insertion 4962.3 % 18318.5 % 660.3 % 239311.1 %
substitution 17007.9 % 5822.7 % 836839.0 % 1065049.6 %
total 486422.7 % 776736.2 % 883741.2 % 21468100.0 %

  No. %
AS variant clusters 3489  
AS variant clusters annotated with PDB data 1060 30.4 %
Unique AS regions 6716  
Unique AS regions annotated with PDB data 1524 22.7 %
  N-ter. middle C-ter. total
deletion 86912.9 % 197529.4 % 1452.2 % 298944.5 %
insertion 2033.0 % 85112.7 % 1862.8 % 124018.5 %
substitution 88613.2 % 2573.8 % 134420.0 % 248737.0 %
total 195829.2 % 308345.9 % 167524.9 % 6716100.0 %

  No. %
AS variant clusters 4645  
AS variant clusters annotated with PDB data 1293 27.8 %
Unique AS regions 7829  
Unique AS regions annotated with PDB data 1781 22.7 %
  N-ter. middle C-ter. total
deletion 297037.9 % 159620.4 % 360.5 % 460258.8 %
insertion 1882.4 % 4976.3 % 70.1 % 6928.8 %
substitution 101613.0 % 1662.1 % 135317.3 % 253532.4 %
total 417453.3 % 225928.9 % 139617.8 % 7829100.0 %

  No. %
AS variant clusters 8048  
AS variant clusters annotated with PDB data 3286 40.8 %
Unique AS regions 12477  
Unique AS regions annotated with PDB data 4575 36.7 %
  N-ter. middle C-ter. total
deletion 232018.6 % 222217.8 % 870.7 % 462937.1 %
insertion 3983.2 % 131910.6 % 380.3 % 175514.1 %
substitution 131310.5 % 3713.0 % 440935.3 % 609348.8 %
total 403132.3 % 391231.4 % 453436.3 % 12477100.0 %

  No. %
AS variant clusters 6222  
AS variant clusters annotated with PDB data 2506 40.3 %
Unique AS regions 8290  
Unique AS regions annotated with PDB data 3004 36.2 %
  N-ter. middle C-ter. total
deletion 110913.4 % 109813.2 % 1341.6 % 234128.2 %
insertion 3524.2 % 3724.5 % 290.3 % 7539.1 %
substitution 6517.9 % 113113.6 % 341441.2 % 519662.7 %
total 211225.5 % 260131.4 % 357743.1 % 8290100.0 %

  No. %
AS variant clusters 21160  
AS variant clusters annotated with PDB data 9842 46.5 %
Unique AS regions 39192  
Unique AS regions annotated with PDB data 14869 37.9 %
  N-ter. middle C-ter. total
deletion 599515.3 % 1102528.1 % 10152.6 % 1803546.0 %
insertion 6961.8 % 27026.9 % 1110.3 % 35099.0 %
substitution 412510.5 % 24836.3 % 1104028.2 % 1764845.0 %
total 1081627.6 % 1621041.4 % 1216631.0 % 39192100.0 %